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حساس رصد الاهتزاز Normally-Open Vibration Sensor Module 4-pin |
15 SAR |
15 SAR |
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TB6560 3A Stepper driver CNC 1 Axis Driver |
39 SAR |
39 SAR |
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L9110 fan module |
17 SAR |
17 SAR |
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TB6600 Stepper Motor Driver 4.5A |
70 SAR |
70 SAR |
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Small Stepper Motor With ULN2003 Module |
20 SAR |
20 SAR |
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L298 Dual H-Bridge Module Motor Driver30 |
23 SAR |
23 SAR |
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جسم روبوت سيارة بموتورين 2WD Smart Motor Robot Car Chassis |
51 SAR |
102 SAR |
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BD238 PNP Transistor |
5 SAR |
5 SAR |
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مفتاح سويتش يعمل باللمسTouch Switch Module |
9 SAR |
9 SAR |
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Small Stepper Motor 5wires محرك خطوي صغير |
13 SAR |
13 SAR |
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IR Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor Module |
20 SAR |
20 SAR |
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حساس قياس سرعة الدوران Linear Magnetic Hall Effect Sensor Module for Arduino |
13 SAR |
13 SAR |
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حساس مغناطيسيMagnetic Switch with magnet |
29 SAR |
29 SAR |
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اردوينو ديو DUE Board For Arduino DUE Projects |
225 SAR |
225 SAR |
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Limit Switch |
18 SAR |
18 SAR |
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MAX6675 Module + Thermocouple Sensor |
75 SAR |
75 SAR |
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IR Flame Sensor Module Detector |
15 SAR |
15 SAR |
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حساس كشف اللون Color Recognition Sensor Module TCS3200D-TCS230 |
42 SAR |
42 SAR |
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BC557 PNP Transistor BJT |
5 SAR |
5 SAR |