US100 Ultrasonic Module 5pins
41 SAR السعر الأصلي هو: 41 SAR.30 SARالسعر الحالي هو: 30 SAR. 30 SAR
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US-100 is a non-contactultrasonic range finder based on the ultrasonic sonar technique. The device working is similar in comparison with other ultrasonic sensors by sending sonar burst of ultrasonic sound waves from the transmitter end, ultrasonic sound is sound waves of frequency more than 20 KHz (not audible to human ears). Dolphins and bats use this principle to detect obstacle in front of them. The receiver end of the sensor detects received deflected sound signal from any obstacle or wall, in this way one can use the time taken by the sensor in sending and receiving the sound signals for the calculation of the distance of the wall or obstacle from the sensor. US 100 ultrasonic sensor features dual operation mode: Serial data operation and digital data operation. A shunt is provided at the back of the sensor to facilitate the switching of the sensor from the serial data working and digital data working mode.
The sensor outputs the distance in millimetre via the encrypted serial data and even the temperature reading too, through its inbuilt on-board temperature sensor. The microcontroller needs to be set for getting the serial data as: 9600 baud at 8-N-1 (eight data bits, no parity, and one stop bit). While working in the digital mode the sensor sends single pulse of definite duration, which reflects the time taken by the sound waves in returning back to the Rx module of the US-100. By this way one can calculate the distance of the object or the wall in front of the sensor.
To operate the sensor in serial mode, plug the shunt on the back of the PCB, by doing this the sensor sends the binary data as a serial output, the data is then interpreted to extract the distance in millimetre and even the temperature of the environment. In case of no shunt present the sensors sends the digital pulse to the microcontroller, which is the used to know the distance of the object from the sensor.
Supply Voltage __________3.3-5 V DC
Supply Current __________2mA
frequency______________ 40Hz
Range ________________ 2cm to 4 m
Measuring Angle________ 15 degree
Trigger Input Signal______ 10uS TTL pulse
Dimensions____________ 45*20*15mm
No. of pins 5