RGB LED colorful led
ليد يضيء كل الالوان الاحمر والاخضر والازرق وكل الالوان الأخرى في حالة تم استخدام PWM
يفضل توصيل مقاومة مع كل طرف عدا الطرف المشترك
RGB LED stands for red, green and blue LED.
RGB LEDs house 3 different color-emitting diodes (red, blue and green) and they combine these 3 colors to produce a spectrum of vibrant hues. These 3 colors alone are able to produce around 16 million different colors thanks to PWM and the laws of permutation.
Size: 5mm 4P
Encapsulation: DIP
Current: 15-20 ma
Emitting light colors:RGB
Wave length:
Red: 620-625 nm
Green: 520-525 nm
Blue: 525-470 nm
Red: 500-800MCD
Green: 3000- 5000MCD