DS3231 Real Time Module موديول الزمن الحقيقي
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DS3231 real time module
موديول الزمن الحقيقي
يعتبر من اجود وأدق الانواع الموجودة في حساب الزمن
عند توصيله مع الميكروكنترولر او الاردوينو تستطيع في اي وقت معرفة الوقت الحالي الساعة والدقائق والثواني والتاريخ
مع الحفاظ عليه حتى اذا اغلقت الكهرباء عن دائرتك لان هذا الموديول مزود بمكان لبطارية صغيرة ويستهلك قدر قليل جدا من الطاقة
DS3231 is a low-cost, extremely accurate I2C real-time clock (RTC), with an integrated temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) and crystal.
The device incorporates a battery input, disconnect the main power supply and maintains accurate timekeeping.
Integrated oscillator improve long-term accuracy of the device and reduces the number of components of the production line.
RTC maintains seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year information. Less than 31 days of the month, the end date will be automatically adjusted, including corrections for leap year.
This temperature sensor accuracy is ± 3 ° C. On-chip power supply control circuit can automatically detect and manage the main and standby power (i.e., low-voltage battery) to switch between the power supply.
If the main power failure, the device can continue to provide accurate timing and temperature, performance is not affected. When the main power re-power or voltage value returns to within the allowable range, the on-chip reset function can be used to restart the system microprocessor.
Module parameters:
1. Size: 38mm (L) * 22mm (W) * 14mm (H)
2. Operating voltage :3.3 – 5 .5 V.
3. clock chip: high-precision clock chip DS3231..
4. Clock Accuracy :0-40℃ range, the accuracy 2ppm, the error was about 1 minute.
5. calendar alarm clock with two.
6. chip temperature sensor comes with an accuracy of ± 3℃.
7. memory chips: AT24C32 (storage capacity 32K).
8. IIC bus interface, the maximum transmission speed of 400KHz (working voltage of 5V).
Note: Don’t include battery